Video & Chat SurveysData Analytics as a Service

Interactive video & chat surveys

Get better survey engagement and responses by using video and chat

Engaging Surveys across all channels

Go beyond the boring online surveys and engage your audience by using ZenSight interactive surveys. We bring you a wide range of survey templates that are well designed to deliver meaningful results.

Loads blazing fast on mobile devices
Hosted in the cloud with a single click
Analyze and Optimize your surveys
Concierge service & support

Use video surveys to increase response rates

Personalize your surveys by using video to get higher response rates and better engagement with your audience. 

Loads blazing fast on mobile devices
Hosted in the cloud with a single click
Analyze and Optimize your surveys
Concierge service & support

Use chatbot surveys 

Make it easy for people to response to your surveys by using chatbots we build for you.

Loads blazing fast on mobile devices
Hosted in the cloud with a single click
Analyze and Optimize your surveys
Concierge service & support

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Turn text into insights

Unstructured survey comments are evaluated with layers of detail that isolate sentiments, keywords, entities, categorical tags, and more.

ZenSight is sophisticated enough to break down the mixed emotions that are most important for your organization.

Isolate hidden trends and see the deeper meaning behind every comment. The top mentioned entities are also prioritized automatically, so you can see what’s trending and recognize important references in order to adapt and adjust even faster.