Audience EngagementData Analytics

Advanced & Predictive workforce insights
Economic Development Corporations need

When you need more than historical labor force data 

Smart Insights

We use machine learning to provide valuable insights into your workforce demographics, while retaining the human touch needed for best-in-class delivery of insights.

Helping Economic Development Corporations
better understand their region's workforce

ZenSight helps you understand your workforce.

Workforce insights for economic development organizations

ZenSight help you explore your workforce population's needs, in order to match them with the right training programs and services.

Discover hidden insights about the demographics of those who work or want to work in your region.

With this information, you can plan initiatives tailored to specific workforce segments while addressing unemployment challenges and employers' labor needs.

Understand what barriers to employment they are facing

ZenSight offers Economic Development Corporations, workforce insights to better understand their employees. We provide data and advanced analysis on the barriers they face in finding work and what opportunities exist for them.

Figure out what jobs they can do

Figure out what jobs people can do and, what kinds of training they need to do those jobs. 

Connect them with employers and jobs

ZenSight's insights makes it easier to connect with the right employers and industries, and help them find the talent they need.

Let's Talk More:

ZenSight provides workforce insights , using machine learning and data scientists. This helps EDCs, chambers of commerce, business associations and community colleges better understand their local workforce populations, including skill gaps, barriers to employment and opportunities for talent growth.

We use your current and past workforce and idustry data to generate meaningful analytics and predictive insights to guide your workforce development activities.

We can also help up you conduct a comprehensive survey of your region's current workforce population

We do all of the heavly lifting for you. We help you identify near real time trends, patterns and relationships in your population data - from education levels to skillsets needed for future jobs in your region. You will be able to identify employment barriers, employment opportunities and where you can best focus your workforce development and investment attraction initiatives.


ZenSight adds to your existing data
 with a focus on actionable insights


You know how many people are part of your labor force. You know how many are working and how many are unemployed. But you may not have a clear picture of the barriers they face in getting & keeping work. 
We can help you get that data.

That is fantastic. We take the data you already have and apply machine learning to uncover hidden insights and predictive analytics not possible before. And we do this all for you, saving you the time and energy you need to invest to make the most of the data you have.

These are great to have but often are backward facing. They show you what has happened. We can show you what could happen and what you can do to prepare for the future, specific to your region.

Fantastic! We work with EDCs who have teams of analyts to those who may only have one person on their team doing this. We helped them solve the analytics challenges they have been unable to overcome while saving them time in getting you the answers you need to make the right decisions.

Your industry associations and employers are hungry for the right talent. But they are frustrated with the pool of applicants. They lack the right skills they need to add value to their business & industry. You have a labor force looking for work but you many not have a clear picture of their skill gaps. We can help you get that data.

You are already supporting a number of education, training & skills upgrading prorgams. But employers and industry associations are still complaining about lack of skills, poor employee engagement and low retention. Let's show you what could be going wrong and what you can do about it.

Census data has been decent. But you are hungry for more insights on what you can do as an economic development org to really move the needle on unemployment & workforce growth. Let's show you who they are, the employment barriers they face, the employment opportunities possible, what drives them to work, their collective value to employers and, which industries to focus on.

How do you move from a reactive workforce development strategy to a proactive one?
How do you help your labor force meet the future needs of industry while also ensuring their individual career & vocational needs are met?
Let's show you what is possible.

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Email us with your questions or schedule a meeting for a product demo.

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