FundraisingHRSales & MarketingRecruitingFitness

Data Analytics as a Service  

Get expert help to make sense of the data you have

We do the data analysis, summaries & insights for you

You have piles of data that you need help making sense of.

Your data is trapped in spreadsheets, databases, text documents and somewhere in the depths of your email inbox!

Data is hard to analyze. You have this data that you need to work with, but there are no experts around to help you make sense of it. It’s frustrating!

You can make sense of your data now with the help of experts from Zen Sight.

Zen Sight's Data Analytics helps you with understanding all your data, creates insightful visualizations and even helps you create sleek slide decks for your presentations.

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3

We take a look at your data to see if it can be used to generate predictive insights. We look for two things:
1. How clean or organized your data is.
2. Do you have enough data we can use to generate predictive insights.

Cost: $0

Our team of mathematicians analyzes your data.

We then build a predictive model using machine learning.

You can now use this, with no code required, to generate predictive insights when you want.

Cost: Varies with the type of predictive analytics and volume of data you have. Don't worry. We provide you with a cost estimate before you make your decision.

You get an easy to read data summary and analysis which you can use right away. 

What can you help us with?

Leverage machine learning and AI in your business with no code required.

Predict which of your customers are most in danger of leaving so you can stop churn before it happens.

Example industries:
1. eCommerce & retail
2. Student retention
3. Employee/workforce retention

Forecast revenue, pricing and market growth for your business using AI.

Example industries:
1. eCommerce & retail
2. Marketing & Sales
3. Consultants

Use AI to predict your costs.

Use performance review and employee data to predict which people are most likley to leave your organization.

Make quick decisions from open ended survey responses.

Easily determine which one of your potential customers is likely to convert into a paying customer. Given customers' purchase history, we can identify clusters or groups of similar customers, who are most likely to buy from you.


Use Cases

ZenSight provides you easy to use, powerful analytics based on your customer data. Get a heads up if your customers are about to stop buying from you. Get accurate insights, visualised in easy to understand reports.

Let's help you get insights on which fundraising campaigns you should focus on, which donors you should focus most of your time on and what is working to get more money raised for your organization.

Get insights on the clients you are working with and get predictive insighs on the challenges they are facing to prepare your resources in advance.

Get helpful insights from your recruitment pipeline and gain valuable insights into the profile of your talent, their performance, and what you need to do to keep them from leaving. 

Beyond survey response summaries, get insights on what program factors will improve participation and completion rates, what is working and what is causing the most impact to your organization's repuation.

Get beaultiful, customiozed reports and presentations for your team meetings, board presentations and funding proposals.

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Data analytics with ZenSight

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